Rest N' Fete - Barbados
Too Tired To Drive? With our Rest N’ Fete package all you have to worry about is the fete! With the following amenities we offer based on 6 days/ 5 nights stay:
Hotel Accommodation
Airport Transfers
Roundtrip Transportation to Fetes (5 fete maximum)
Limitless Survival Bag
Total Package Price (Based On Two People)- $840
*Terms and conditions apply
Too Tired To Drive? With our Rest N’ Fete package all you have to worry about is the fete! With the following amenities we offer based on 6 days/ 5 nights stay:
Hotel Accommodation
Airport Transfers
Roundtrip Transportation to Fetes (5 fete maximum)
Limitless Survival Bag
Total Package Price (Based On Two People)- $840
*Terms and conditions apply
Too Tired To Drive? With our Rest N’ Fete package all you have to worry about is the fete! With the following amenities we offer based on 6 days/ 5 nights stay:
Hotel Accommodation
Airport Transfers
Roundtrip Transportation to Fetes (5 fete maximum)
Limitless Survival Bag
Total Package Price (Based On Two People)- $840
*Terms and conditions apply